Which two related words are used together in this passage?

A freedom and government
B dedicated and unfinished
C conceived and dedicated
D fitting and proper

To determine which two related words are used together in the passage, we need to analyze the given options and the passage itself.

Option A: "freedom and government" - This pair of words seems unrelated to the passage and does not match any specific phrase or concept mentioned.

Option B: "dedicated and unfinished" - These words do appear together in the passage. However, the passage does not explicitly connect these terms or use them as a related pair.

Option C: "conceived and dedicated" - These words, "conceived" and "dedicated," are indeed used together in the passage. They are specifically mentioned in the phrase "conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition."

Option D: "fitting and proper" - Although these words appear independently in the passage, they are not used together as a related pair.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is option C: "conceived and dedicated."