<div class="questionText">Identify the solid formed by the given net.<br><br><img alt="Three stacked, blue colored rectangles. Two equilateral triangles adjacent to second rectangle's sides." style="border: 0px solid currentcolor; width: 129px; height: 63px;" src="/content/media/595718-3162012-81600-AM-1403704633.png"></div>

The solid formed by the given net is a triangular prism.

To identify the solid formed by the given net, we need to match it with a 3D shape. A net is a 2D representation of a 3D shape that can be folded to form the actual solid shape.

Looking at the given net, we can see that it consists of three stacked, blue-colored rectangles with two equilateral triangles adjacent to the sides of the second rectangle.

By visualizing how this net can be folded, we can determine the corresponding 3D shape. It appears that the rectangles can fold to form the sides of a rectangular prism, and the triangles can fold to form the top and bottom faces of the prism.

Therefore, the solid formed by the given net is a rectangular prism.

The given net represents a solid shape known as a triangular prism.