<div class="questionText">Identify the solid formed by the given net.<br><img alt="Green colored rectangle. Two green colored circles adjacent to rectangle's sides." style="border: 0px solid currentcolor; width: 118px; height: 82px;" src="/content/media/595718-3162012-81600-AM-729204599.png"></div>

The solid formed by the given net is a rectangular prism.

The given net forms a solid called a cylinder.

To identify the solid formed by the given net, you need to analyze the shape and arrangement of the net's faces.

The net provided consists of a rectangle with two circles attached at opposite sides of the rectangle. Based on this information, we can determine that the solid formed by this net is a cylindrical shape.

To understand this, imagine folding the net along the edges and connecting the corresponding sides. Fold the rectangle to form a cylinder, with its length equal to the width of the rectangle and the circles acting as the top and bottom bases of the cylinder.

Therefore, the solid formed by the given net is a cylinder.