• Here there are twelve (12) sentences, one is a core problem, some are effects

(major and sub) of the problem and others are causes (major and sub) of the
• Tasks..
i). List down the Core problem, causes of the problem and effects of the
ii). Draw a problem and objective trees based on the lists you created
above. Furthermore, pick one solution (to the problem) of your interest and
prepare its Project Matrix.
The statements are as follows:
1. Poor sanitary condition
2. Lack of good hygienic knowledge
3. Poor maintenance of water main
4. Low levels of income
5. Open Pit latrines
6. Increased Demand on health services
7. Flooding in Urban Areas
8. Reduced Productivity
9. Outbreak of Cholera in Kisarawe DC
10.Increased morbidity and mortality
11.Contaminated water supply
12.Unhygienic health practices and food preparation

To determine the core problem, causes, and effects based on the given statements, we can analyze the relationships between them.

1. Poor sanitary condition: This could be considered the core problem as it is mentioned directly and can have various causes and effects.

- Lack of good hygienic knowledge (2): This can contribute to poor sanitary conditions as people may not know how to maintain cleanliness and hygiene properly.
- Poor maintenance of water main (3): If water mains are not maintained properly, it can lead to issues with water supply and sanitation.
- Open Pit latrines (5): Open pit latrines can cause improper disposal of waste, leading to poor sanitary conditions.
- Unhygienic health practices and food preparation (12): Practices such as improper handling of food and poor personal hygiene can contribute to poor sanitary conditions.

- Increased Demand on health services (6): Poor sanitary conditions can lead to increased need for healthcare services due to the spread of diseases and infections.
- Flooding in Urban Areas (7): Poor sanitary conditions can contribute to flooding, which can further worsen the sanitation problem.
- Reduced Productivity (8): Poor sanitary conditions can affect productivity as people may fall sick more often, resulting in absenteeism or reduced efficiency.
- Outbreak of Cholera in Kisarawe DC (9): Cholera outbreak is mentioned as one of the effects, which is linked to contaminated water supply (11), a cause of poor sanitary conditions.
- Increased morbidity and mortality (10): Poor sanitary conditions can lead to higher rates of illness and death in the affected population.

Now, let's move on to creating problem and objective trees based on the lists above.

Problem Tree:
- Core Problem: Poor sanitary condition
- Causes:
- Lack of good hygienic knowledge
- Poor maintenance of water main
- Open Pit latrines
- Unhygienic health practices and food preparation
- Effects:
- Increased Demand on health services
- Flooding in Urban Areas
- Reduced Productivity
- Outbreak of Cholera in Kisarawe DC
- Increased morbidity and mortality

Objective Tree:
- Improved Sanitary Conditions
- Increased knowledge on hygiene practices
- Improved water main maintenance
- Proper sewage management and waste disposal
- Adoption of hygienic health practices and food preparation

Lastly, let's prepare a Project Matrix for one solution of interest, which is "Increased knowledge on hygiene practices."

Project Matrix:
- Project Name: Hygiene Education Program
- Goal: To increase knowledge on hygiene practices in the community
- Objectives:
- Conduct community workshops on hygiene education
- Distribute educational materials on hygiene practices
- Collaborate with local health authorities to integrate hygiene education in school curriculum
- Activities:
- Identify target communities and schools for workshops and educational materials distribution
- Develop educational materials on hygiene practices
- Organize and conduct community workshops
- Collaborate with local health authorities to incorporate hygiene education in schools
- Resources:
- Trained workshop facilitators
- Educational materials (posters, brochures, leaflets)
- Venue for community workshops
- Collaborative support from local health authorities
- Timeline: 6 months
- Expected Outcome: Increased knowledge and adoption of proper hygiene practices in the community, leading to improved sanitary conditions.