Here there are sixteen (16) sentences, one is a core problem, some are effects (major and sub) of the problem and others are causes (major and sub) of the problem.

Task...List down the Core problem, causes of the problem and effects of the problemDraw a problem and objective trees based on the lists you created above. Furthermore, pick one solution (to the problem) of your interest and prepare its Project Matrix.The statements are as follows
1)Loss of profit
2)Decreases in purchases made by customers
3)Increase in the number of complaints and claims made by customers
4)Decrease in market share
5)Increase in product prices
6)Poor after-sales service
7)Strengthening of competence
8)Insufficient staff training
9)Product is damaged very quickly
10)Degradation of the image made by the company
11)Not enough productivityLoss of labour motivation
12)Poor product quality
13)Poor staff attitudeIncrease in raw material prices
14)Delayed product perfomance

Core problem: Poor product quality

Causes of the problem:
1) Insufficient staff training
2) Poor after-sales service
3) Increase in raw material prices

Effects of the problem:
1) Loss of profit
2) Decreases in purchases made by customers
3) Increase in the number of complaints and claims made by customers
4) Decrease in market share
5) Increase in product prices
6) Strengthening of competence
7) Product is damaged very quickly
8) Degradation of the image made by the company
9) Not enough productivity
10) Loss of labor motivation
11) Poor staff attitude
12) Delayed product performance

Problem Tree:
- Poor product quality (Core Problem)
- Insufficient staff training
- Poor after-sales service
- Increase in raw material prices

Objective Tree:
- Improve product quality (Core Objective)
- Enhance staff training
- Improve after-sales service
- Find alternatives for raw materials

One potential solution to address the poor product quality issue could be to enhance staff training. By providing comprehensive and ongoing training programs for all employees involved in the product manufacturing process, it can improve their skills and knowledge, allowing them to produce higher-quality products.

Project Matrix:
| Action | Responsible Party | Timeline | Resources Required |
| Conduct training needs assessment | HR Manager | Week 1 | HR department, training materials |
| Develop training program | Training Manager | Week 2-3 | Training materials, trainers |
| Implement training program | Trainers | Week 4-8 | Training facilities, equipment |
| Monitor progress and evaluate impact | Quality Control Manager | Ongoing | Monitoring tools, feedback mechanisms |

Note: This is just a simplified example of a potential project matrix. The actual matrix may vary based on the specific organization and resources available.