Lightning contains gamma rays. Based on the position of gamma rays in the electromagnetic spectrum, does lightning have more or less energy than a radio?

(1 point)

Lightning has less energy than the radio because gamma rays have a longer wavelength.
Lightning has less energy than the radio because gamma rays have a longer wavelength.

Lightning has more energy than the radio because gamma rays have a shorter wavelength.
Lightning has more energy than the radio because gamma rays have a shorter wavelength.

Lightning has less energy than the radio because gamma rays have a shorter wavelength.
Lightning has less energy than the radio because gamma rays have a shorter wavelength.

Lightning has more energy than the radio because gamma rays have a longer wavelength.

The answer is Lightning has more energy than the radio because gamma rays have a shorter wavelength. Hope it helps!

To determine whether lightning has more or less energy than a radio based on the position of gamma rays in the electromagnetic spectrum, we need to understand the relationship between wavelength and energy. The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays.

In general, shorter wavelengths correspond to higher energy levels, and longer wavelengths correspond to lower energy levels. As we move from radio waves to gamma rays, the wavelengths become shorter, indicating an increase in energy.

Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and the highest energy among all types of electromagnetic radiation. They are produced by nuclear reactions and radioactive decay. So, if lightning contains gamma rays, it means that it has a higher energy level compared to radio waves.

Therefore, the correct response is:

"Lightning has more energy than the radio because gamma rays have a shorter wavelength."

Lightning has more energy than the radio because gamma rays have a shorter wavelength.