Which wave contains the lowest energy?

(1 point)

Frequency is measured in hertz. Which option best describes hertz?(1 point)

Which wave contains the lowest energy?
(1 point)

Lightning contains gamma rays. Based on the position of gamma rays in the electromagnetic spectrum, does lightning have more or less energy than a radio?

(1 point)

Waves have energy that causes particles in matter to vibrate. So, it stands to reason that(1 point)

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The wave with the lowest energy is a radio wave. Lightning has more energy than a radio wave because gamma rays are higher on the electromagnetic spectrum than radio waves.

The wave that contains the lowest energy is the radio wave.

Hertz is a unit of frequency. It measures the number of cycles per second in a wave.

Lightning contains gamma rays, which are positioned at the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Therefore, lightning has more energy than a radio.

Waves have energy that causes particles in matter to vibrate, which is why they can transfer energy.

The wave that contains the lowest energy is the radio wave.

To determine which wave contains the lowest energy, you can refer to the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of all the different types of electromagnetic waves, arranged in order of increasing frequency and energy. Radio waves have the longest wavelength and the lowest frequency, therefore they have the lowest energy compared to other waves on the spectrum.

Hertz is the unit used to measure frequency. It represents the number of cycles or oscillations per second. So, hertz is a unit of measurement for the frequency of a wave.

Lightning contains gamma rays. Based on the position of gamma rays in the electromagnetic spectrum, gamma rays have significantly higher energy than radio waves. Therefore, lightning has more energy than a radio wave.

Waves have energy because they can transfer energy from one point to another. When waves interact with matter, they can cause the particles in that matter to vibrate. This energy transfer can have various effects, depending on the type of wave and the properties of the matter it interacts with.