A child holds a red ball. Why does the ball look red?(1 point)


Only red light waves are absorbed by the ball.
Only red light waves are absorbed by the ball.

All visible light waves except red are absorbed by the ball.
All visible light waves except red are absorbed by the ball.

All visible light waves except red are reflected by the ball.
All visible light waves except red are reflected by the ball.

Only red light waves reach the surface of the ball.

ANSWERS ‼️ (for connexus)

1. All visible light waves except red are absorbed by the ball.

2. To absorb sound waves

3. The wave transfers its energy to the material.

4. It helps prevent the skin from absorbing UV waves.

Hope this helps out :)

Well, let me see... Ah, yes! The ball looks red because it's tired of blending in with all the other colors. So, it only lets the red light waves reach its surface, while hiding away all the other colors like a little diva. Can't blame it, though. Red does have that irresistible charm!

Only red light waves are reflected by the ball, while all other visible light waves are absorbed.

The ball looks red because only red light waves reach the surface of the ball. When light shines on an object, it can be either absorbed or reflected. In the case of the red ball, it absorbs all visible light waves except for red. These red light waves are then reflected off the surface of the ball and enter our eyes, allowing us to see the ball as red.

Only red light waves are reflected by the ball.