Which transition word or phrase signals the author is providing more information? Select 2 answers.

A. Furthermore

B. In addition
C. On the other hand
D. Therefore

To identify the transition words or phrases that signal the author is providing more information, we need to understand that these words or phrases typically indicate an addition, elaboration, or further detail. Here are two common transition words or phrases that fulfill this function:

1. "Furthermore" - This transition word is used to add more information or evidence to support the previous statement.
To find this answer, you could review the passage or text and look for instances where the author introduces additional information.

2. "Moreover" - This transition word is used to provide an additional point or supporting information beyond what has already been stated.
To find this answer, you should analyze the text or passage and locate parts where the author introduces new information that builds upon the previous content.

Remember, there are various other transition words or phrases that can signal the provision of additional information. It is always helpful to read the surrounding context to identify them accurately.

The transition words or phrases that signal the author is providing more information are:

1. Additionally
2. Furthermore