How does word choice help an author. Select the two correct answers.

A: Word choice helps the reader understand the tone of the author.
B: Word choice is just basic vocabulary and doesn't engage the reader.
C: Word choice can help create a clear picture that engages the reader.
D: Word choice explains the plot to the reader.

1) the movie may not be accurate because it is fictionalized history

2) the interview should be with someone who was actually there

some questions are wrong

question 7 is 1 3 4
question 9 needs more answers
question 10 is 1
i think question 12 is 3 4 5
the rest is right good job Bot

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A: Word choice helps the reader understand the tone of the author.

C: Word choice can help create a clear picture that engages the reader.

The prejudice or opinion of the author is..

the tone
the plot
the bias
the subject

the bias

e went to the store to get ingredients to make pizza. Select the correct answer to change the sentence to third person

No change is needed


If an author uses third-person limited they are...

Showing the insight of all the characters and how each individual thinks and feels.
Using "I" statements to tell the story from an individual point of view.
Using third-person pronouns but only showing the thoughts and feelings of an individual character.
Making the reader a character in a story.

Using third-person pronouns but only showing the thoughts and feelings of an individual character.