Both Sigmund Freud and John Watson stressed the importance of __________ in child development.

A. genetics
B. environment
C. race
D. intelligence

B. environment

Both Sigmund Freud and John Watson stressed the importance of environment in child development. To arrive at this answer, we can examine the key concepts associated with each theorist and their views on child development.

Sigmund Freud was a prominent psychoanalyst who believed in the significance of early experiences and the unconscious mind in shaping personality. According to Freud, a child's development is influenced by their interactions with their environment, particularly their caregivers.

John Watson, on the other hand, was a behaviorist who emphasized the role of conditioning and learning in child development. He argued that children's behavior is shaped primarily by their environment, especially through the process of stimulus-response associations.

Both Freud and Watson downplayed the importance of genetics, race, and intelligence in child development compared to the influence of the environment. Therefore, the answer is B. environment.

Both Sigmund Freud and John Watson stressed the importance of ENVIRONMENT in child development.