2.) Which sentence would MOST logically conclude this paragraph?

Forget cats and dogs; goats are truly one of the best pets a person can get! A baby goat is called a kid, which is a fitting name since they act like children. They are known as playful and loving. Since they primarily eat grass, they are also useful in controlling a fast growing pasture.
1 point
Goats do not like to be near other animals.
Farms are a wonderful place to raise a family.
You probably would not like a goat if you are allergic to fur.
Both loving and useful, goats are a great choice for an animal friend.

The sentence that would most logically conclude this paragraph is: "Both loving and useful, goats are a great choice for an animal friend." This sentence summarizes the main points of the paragraph, highlighting goats as pets that are playful, loving, and also useful for controlling pasture growth. To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the given options and eliminate those that do not relate to the content of the paragraph.