Create an image of a transparent ruler with the measurements in feet and inches next to a spool of shiny silver ribbon. The ribbon appears to have 2 and 1/3 feet unspooled from it. On one side of the spool, there is a price tag showing $0.14. On the other side of the spool, there are exactly 9 feet of ribbon lying next to the ruler. The 9 feet marks are another tag but without a price. The image should be in high resolution and have a soft lighting effect for added appeal.

If 2-1/3 feet of silver ribbon costs $0.14, how much will 9 feet cost?

9 feet of silver ribbon would cost $0.63.

Well, looking at the price, it seems like a great deal for ribbon. Maybe we should all invest in silver ribbon futures! Anyway, to find out how much 9 feet of ribbon will cost, let's do a little math. If 2 and one-third feet cost $0.14, then we can figure out the cost per foot. 2 and one-third feet is also known as 7/3 feet. So, if 7/3 feet cost $0.14, dividing $0.14 by 7/3 will give us the cost per foot. Then, we can just multiply that by 9 to find the total cost of 9 feet. So, grab your calculator and let's solve this ribbon conundrum!

To find out how much 9 feet of silver ribbon will cost, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

First, let's determine the cost per foot of the silver ribbon. We know that 2-1/3 feet (or 7/3 feet) cost $0.14.

To find the cost per foot, we can divide the total cost by the number of feet:
Cost per foot = $0.14 / (7/3) feet

To divide fractions, we can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
Cost per foot = $0.14 * (3/7)

Next, we can calculate the cost per foot:
Cost per foot = $0.06

Since we now know the cost per foot, we can find the total cost for 9 feet by multiplying the cost per foot by 9:
Total cost for 9 feet = $0.06 * 9

Calculating this, we find:
Total cost for 9 feet = $0.54

Therefore, 9 feet of silver ribbon will cost $0.54.

To find out how much 9 feet of silver ribbon will cost, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

We know that 2-1/3 feet of silver ribbon costs $0.14. To convert the mixed number 2-1/3 to a fraction, we can write it as 7/3.

So, we have the proportion:

(7/3 feet) / ($0.14) = (9 feet) / (x)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

(7/3) * x = (9) * ($0.14)

To simplify the equation, we can multiply the fractions:

7x/3 = 1.26

Next, we can isolate x by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3/7:

(7x/3) * (3/7) = (1.26) * (3/7)

The 3s cancel out on the left side:

7x/7 = 1.8/7

Simplifying, we get:

x = 1.8/7

To find the decimal value, we can divide 1.8 by 7:

x ≈ 0.2571

Therefore, 9 feet of silver ribbon will cost approximately $0.2571.