if 2 1/3 feet of silver ribbon cost $.14 how much will 9 feet cost?

9/(2 1/3) * $.14 = $____

Whats the answer

if 2 1/3 feet of silver ribbon cost $.14 how much will 9 feet cost

To find out how much 9 feet of silver ribbon will cost, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

Let's start by determining the cost per foot of the silver ribbon:

2 1/3 feet of silver ribbon cost $0.14.

To convert 2 1/3 to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator (3) and add the numerator (1), which gives us 7. So, 2 1/3 is equivalent to 7/3.

Cost per foot = $0.14 ÷ (7/3) = $0.14 × (3/7) = $0.06

Now, we can find out the cost of 9 feet of silver ribbon:

Cost of 9 feet = Cost per foot × 9 = $0.06 × 9 = $0.54

Therefore, 9 feet of silver ribbon will cost $0.54.

To find out how much 9 feet of silver ribbon will cost, we need to determine the cost per foot of the ribbon.

First, let's find the cost per foot of the silver ribbon. We can calculate this by dividing the total cost of 2 1/3 feet by the cost of $.14:

Cost per foot = Total cost / Total feet

To convert 2 1/3 feet to a proper fraction, we can rewrite it as 7/3 feet.

So, Cost per foot = $0.14 / (7/3) feet

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply by its reciprocal:

Cost per foot = $0.14 * (3/7) feet

Now, let's calculate the cost per foot:

Cost per foot = $0.06 feet

Now that we know the cost per foot is $0.06, we can find the total cost for 9 feet of silver ribbon by multiplying the cost per foot by the number of feet:

Total cost = Cost per foot * Number of feet

Total cost = $0.06 * 9

Total cost = $0.54

Therefore, 9 feet of silver ribbon will cost $0.54.