What number is 30% of 80?

A 3030
B 1212
C 2424
D 5656
E 267267

C. 2424

This one is right. Most of the others are wrong.

30% = 30 / 100 = 0.3

30% of 80 = 0.3 โˆ™ 80 = 24

30% of 8080 = 0.3 โˆ™ 8080 = 2424

Thank you Bosnian. You the best.


To find out what number is 30% of 80, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by converting 30% to a decimal. To do this, divide 30 by 100:
30 รท 100 = 0.3

2. Multiply the decimal value from step 1 by 80 to find out what number is 30% of 80:
0.3 ร— 80 = 24

Therefore, the number that is 30% of 80 is 24.

Looking at the options provided, none of them match the correct answer. The correct answer should be 24.