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Preston works at a grocery store and earns between $64 and $81 each day he works. Which is a reasonable estimation of how much Preston will earn if he works 5 days?
A $220$220
B $940$940
C $370$370
D $480

To estimate how much Preston will earn if he works 5 days, we can take the average of the minimum and maximum amount he earns each day and multiply it by 5.

The average of $64 and $81 is $\frac{64+81}{2}=\frac{145}{2}=72.5$.

Multiplying $72.5$ by 5 gives us $72.5 \times 5 = 362.5$.

Therefore, a reasonable estimation of how much Preston will earn if he works 5 days is $362.5.$

The closest option to this estimation is $\boxed{\text{(C)}$ $370}$.

To estimate how much Preston will earn if he works 5 days, we can take the average of the minimum and maximum earnings per day and multiply it by 5.

The average of $64 and $81 is (64 + 81)/2 = $72.50.

Therefore, a reasonable estimation of how much Preston will earn if he works 5 days is:

$72.50 x 5 = $362.50

So, the correct answer is C. $370.

To estimate how much Preston will earn if he works 5 days, we need to find the average amount he earns each day and then multiply it by 5.

The given range of earnings for Preston is between $64 and $81 each day. To find the average, we add the minimum and maximum earnings and divide by 2.

Minimum earnings: $64
Maximum earnings: $81

Average earnings = (Minimum earnings + Maximum earnings) / 2
= ($64 + $81) / 2
= $145 / 2
= $72.50

So, Preston earns an average of $72.50 each day.

To find the estimated earnings if he works 5 days, we multiply the average earnings by 5.

Estimated earnings = Average earnings * Number of days
= $72.50 * 5
= $362.50

Since the given options are in whole numbers, we round the estimated earnings to the nearest whole number.

The reasonable estimation of how much Preston will earn if he works 5 days is approximately $370.

Therefore, the answer is C) $370.