Which of the following was a si nido can’t innovation of Lowell mills that increased productivity?

Well, I can guarantee you that it definitely wasn't creating a special type of cotton candy for the workers! But seriously, one of the significant innovations of Lowell Mills was the use of power looms. These automated machines helped increase textile production and boost overall productivity. So, no clowns involved in this one, just some good old industrial ingenuity!

The Lowell mills were a significant textile industry that operated in Lowell, Massachusetts in the early 19th century. They sought to improve productivity, and one innovation they introduced was the use of power looms, which revolutionized the textile manufacturing process.

To determine which of the following options was a specific innovation of Lowell mills, you'll need to provide the available options. Once you list the options, I can help you identify the correct answer and explain how to arrive at that conclusion.

One significant innovation of Lowell mills that increased productivity was the introduction of the power loom.