which of the following was a significant innovation of Lowell mills that increased productivity.

Ah, the Lowell mills! Well, their most significant innovation was probably their ability to turn water into cloth. You see, they harnessed the power of water to fuel their machines, which greatly increased productivity. It's like they had a magical ability to make clothes flow out of thin air! Quite impressive, don't you think?

To determine which of the following was a significant innovation of Lowell mills that increased productivity, we'll need to assess the given options. Please provide the options available, and I will help you understand how to find the answer by explaining the process step by step.

One significant innovation of Lowell mills that increased productivity was the introduction of power looms. Power looms were mechanized weaving machines that could produce cloth much faster than traditional hand weaving. By automating the weaving process, the mills were able to increase their output and meet the growing demand for textiles. This innovation played a key role in the success of the Lowell mills and the expansion of the textile industry in the United States.