to graph C(3,2) on a coordinate plane Translate the point left 3 units and down 1 unit.Graph the image point C.

1: Y=1,X=0 & Y=2,X=3 (B)

2: D (7,5)
3: (x,y) ---(x+1,y -5) (A)
4: A (6,2)
5: None (A)

You're welcome 8th grade connexus students!

Bro Im an eighth grader and I still struggle with this

I am trying to help my little cousin with this so if someone can be nice enough I need answers asap

I'm sorry man, I'm only in elementary and don't understand what was just said

Lol thats fine man

for C(3,2) , you are moving C 3 units to the left, so 3 - 3 = 0 (the first element deals with your right and left movement)

and you are moving C 1 unit down, so 2-1 = 1 (the 2nd element deals with your up and down movement)

the new point is C' (0,1)

Omg you are a life saver thanks man

Does someone have the answers for the whole Quiz including part 2????????

CAN someone put answers for the whole quiz pls i need to check my answers

To graph the point C(3,2) on a coordinate plane, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing the x and y-axis. The x-axis is the horizontal line, and the y-axis is the vertical line intersecting at the origin (0,0).

2. Locate the point C(3,2) on the original position. The x-coordinate is 3, which means you move 3 units to the right along the x-axis starting from the origin. Then the y-coordinate is 2, indicating you move 2 units upwards parallel to the y-axis from the x-axis position.

3. Now, to translate the point C left 3 units and down 1 unit, you'll subtract 3 from the x-coordinate (3) to get the new x-coordinate, and subtract 1 from the y-coordinate (2) to get the new y-coordinate.

New x-coordinate = 3 - 3 = 0
New y-coordinate = 2 - 1 = 1

4. Plot the new image point, C', at the new coordinates (0,1) on the coordinate plane. The point C' is obtained by translating point C left 3 units and down 1 unit.

5. Label the new image point C' to complete the graph.

Your final graph will have two points, C(3,2) and C'(0,1), where C' is the translated image of C.