Replace the underlined word below with another word that fits:

He has a lot of nerve asking for a raise when he is the company’s laziest worker.
A. contrite
B. hub
C. pluck

He has a lot of pluck asking for a raise when he is the company’s laziest worker.

To replace the word "nerve" in the sentence with another word that fits the context, we need to understand the meaning of "nerve." In this sentence, "nerve" refers to the audacity or boldness of someone asking for a raise when they are considered the laziest worker in the company.

Let's consider the given options:

A. Contrite: This word means feeling remorse, regretful, or penitent. It does not convey the same meaning as "nerve" and would not fit in this context.

B. Hub: This word refers to a central point of intersection or activity. It does not align with the intended meaning or fit in the context.

C. Pluck: This word means courage or determination in the face of difficulties. While it does convey some similarity to "nerve," it does not capture the same audacity or boldness referred to in the context.

In this case, none of the given options are suitable replacements for "nerve." To find a fitting replacement, we need to look for words that convey audacity, boldness, or nerve in similar contexts. Some possible alternatives could be "gall," "audacity," or "temerity."

He has a lot of nerve asking for a raise when he is the company’s hub worker.