Do you measure alfalfa cubes wet or dry?

Alfalfa cubes are typically measured dry.

To determine whether you should measure alfalfa cubes wet or dry, you first need to understand the purpose of the measurement.

If you are measuring the weight or quantity of alfalfa cubes for feeding livestock, it is generally recommended to measure them dry. Dry measurement ensures accuracy because wet cubes can vary in weight depending on their moisture content, which can fluctuate.

To measure alfalfa cubes, you will need a scale or a measuring cup. If you are using a measuring cup, fill it with dry alfalfa cubes, ensuring that they are packed in but not overly compressed. Then, level off the cup to remove any excess.

However, if you are measuring alfalfa cubes for a specific recipe or nutritional analysis, it might be necessary to measure them in their wet form. In this case, it is important to note the moisture content and adjust the measurements accordingly.

Overall, for general feeding purposes, dry measurements are the most common approach.

Alfalfa cubes are typically measured and sold in their dry state. The moisture content of alfalfa cubes can vary, but it is common for manufacturers to ensure that the cubes are dried to a certain moisture level before packaging and selling them. Therefore, for most purposes, you would measure alfalfa cubes in their dry form.