The taiga biome has long, cold, dry winters and cool, wet summers. In three to four sentences, describe how the plants and animals would be impacted by a warm and dry summer and how they might survive. Support your answer with the abiotic factors in the biome.(4 points)

PLEASEEEE HELPPP by the way if you tell me the answer then take it down once i got it and whoever needs that answer too then nobody would notice that its not my answer pretty please help thank you

In a taiga biome, the warm and dry summers would disrupt the usual cool and wet conditions that plants and animals have adapted to. The lack of moisture would make it challenging for plants to grow, as they rely on ample water supply for their survival. As a result, there may be reduced foliage and plant productivity. Animals, on the other hand, might struggle to find enough food, as the diminished plant growth would affect their food sources. However, some plants and animals may have developed adaptations to cope with these conditions, such as deeper root systems for accessing groundwater or hibernation and migration strategies to conserve energy and seek more favorable habitats. To find more specific examples and data on the impact of warm and dry summers on taiga plants and animals, you can consult scientific studies, research articles, or books focusing on taiga ecology and climatic influences.