Which of these is an example of direct characterization

none that I can see

Direct characterization is a literary technique that involves the author explicitly describing a character's traits or qualities. It provides direct information about the character's personality or appearance, without requiring the reader to make inferences. An example of direct characterization is when the author outright states a character's characteristic without leaving room for interpretation.

To determine which of the options is an example of direct characterization, you'll need to examine each option and look for a clear statement about a character's traits. If there is a statement that directly describes a character without any ambiguity or need for interpretation, then it can be considered an example of direct characterization.

Please provide the options you have for more specific assistance.

Direct characterization is when the author explicitly provides information about a character's personality, appearance, or other traits. An example of direct characterization would be a sentence like "John is a kind and compassionate person."