Use the paragraph to answer the question.

Mr. Washington spent the whole summer running a student car wash to raise money for the big garden project. He wants to
create a farm-to-table type of program that allows for the school to grow its own fruits and vegetables. Mr. Washington made a
pledge to the community last year that, as the new principal, he would do everything in his power to improve the nutritional value
of school lunches

1.Washington made a pledge to the community

2.He gave Dana a coupon
3.A guess made about what a text is saying
4.Carrageenan is made from edible seaweed
I hope this helps!

Anonymous is right! 5/5

Anonymous is correct 4/4

Based on the paragraph, Mr. Washington's goal is to improve the nutritional value of school lunches by creating a farm-to-table program. He spent the entire summer running a student car wash to raise money for the big garden project. This suggests that he plans to use the funds to establish a school garden where fruits and vegetables can be grown. By growing their own produce, the school can ensure that the food served in the cafeteria is fresh and healthy.

U sure broskiii?