Which of the following are a fragment after the store after the store don't run around or don't run around

To determine if a sentence is a fragment, we need to verify if it meets the criteria of a complete sentence. A complete sentence must have both a subject (who/what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or being).

In the given options, "after the store don't run around" and "don't run around" are both phrases, but they do not form complete sentences.

To clarify, a sentence typically consists of a subject and a verb. Let's break down the options to identify the subjects and verbs:

1. "After the store don't run around" does not have a clear subject. The word "after" is a preposition, and "the store" is a prepositional phrase serving as an object. "Don't run around" is a verb phrase, but without a subject or context, it is incomplete. Thus, this option is a fragment.

2. "Don't run around" is a verb phrase that expresses an imperative command, but it lacks a subject. Again, this option is a fragment.

Therefore, both options presented are considered fragments because they lack a subject and/or a complete predicate.