which of these is an example of a metaphor in My Forbidden Face?

Since the bots not working, I'll help.

1. Latifa compares the Taliban's oppression to a slow death.
2. The milk turned sour after sitting out on the counter overnight.
3. to make something clear

idk im trinna find the answers too

ty the answers are correct

same smh

Which of these is an example of a metaphor in My Forbidden Face?

Which of these is an example of a metaphor in My Forbidden Face?

To determine which of these is an example of a metaphor in the book "My Forbidden Face," you need to understand what a metaphor is and then examine the text for instances of metaphorical language.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things by saying that one thing is another. It is a way to create imagery and evoke vivid associations in the reader's mind.

To find a metaphor in the book, start by looking for sentences or phrases that describe something by comparing it to something else. Metaphors often use words such as "like" or "as" to make the comparison. Here's an example:

1. "Her smile was a ray of sunshine, brightening up the room." In this sentence, the smile is compared to a ray of sunshine, suggesting that it brings light, warmth, and happiness.

Another example might be:

2. "Time is a thief, stealing away our memories." This metaphor compares time to a thief, emphasizing how it can take away precious moments and memories.

To find specific examples of metaphors in "My Forbidden Face," you might want to read the book or search for quotes or analysis that point out metaphorical language used in the text.