Which piece of empirical evidence is qualitative data?(1 point)

The soup tastes salty.
The soup tastes salty.

The bicycle speed is 12 miles per hour.
The bicycle speed is 12 miles per hour.

The water temperature is 80ºF.
The water temperature is 80ºF.

The tree is eight feet tall.

And your answers are?

To determine which piece of empirical evidence is qualitative data, you need to understand what qualitative data is. Qualitative data refers to information that is descriptive and subjective in nature, often involving attributes, characteristics, opinions, or qualities. It does not involve numerical measurements or quantities.

Now, let's examine the options:

1. "The soup tastes salty." - This statement describes the taste of the soup, which is an attribute or quality. It does not involve numerical measurements, making it qualitative data.

2. "The bicycle speed is 12 miles per hour." - This statement provides a specific numerical measurement for the bicycle speed, indicating a quantity. It is not descriptive or subjective, so it is not qualitative data.

3. "The water temperature is 80ºF." - Similar to the second statement, this provides a specific numerical measurement (temperature in degrees Fahrenheit). It is not descriptive or subjective, so it is not qualitative data.

4. "The tree is eight feet tall." - This statement describes the height of the tree, which is an attribute or quality. It does not involve numerical measurements, making it qualitative data.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is: "The soup tastes salty."

The piece of empirical evidence that represents qualitative data is "The soup tastes salty."