What is longitude/latitude/highland/lowland.

Longitude and latitude are geographical coordinates used to specify a location on the Earth's surface. Longitude measures the distance east or west from the Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, London, while latitude measures the distance north or south from the Equator. These coordinates are typically given in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

Highland refers to an area of high elevation or altitude, often characterized by mountains, hills, plateaus, or other topographical features that rise above the surrounding terrain. These regions generally have cooler temperatures and are often associated with rugged landscapes.

Lowland, on the other hand, refers to areas of lower elevation or altitude, usually located closer to sea level. Lowlands are generally characterized by flatter terrain and are often associated with plains, valleys, or coastal areas. These regions typically have milder climates compared to highlands.

To find the longitude and latitude of a specific location, you can use various methods:

1. Online Maps: Websites like Google Maps or Bing Maps allow you to search for a location and display its coordinates.

2. GPS Devices: Global Positioning System (GPS) devices provide real-time location information, including longitude and latitude.

3. Mobile Apps: Many smartphone apps, including map applications, have built-in location services that can display your current coordinates.

You can determine whether an area is a highland or lowland by referring to topographic maps or using online resources that provide elevation data. These resources include topographic maps, satellite imagery, or specialized geographic information systems (GIS) tools. These tools allow you to visualize the elevation and terrain features of different areas, helping you identify highland or lowland regions.