A man drives a car at a distance of 200km at n average speed of 50km/hr. What must be his average speed for the next 220km. If he is to cover the total distance in 9hours

Time taken for first part of trip = 200 km / (50 km/h) = 4 hours

time remaining for 2nd part of trip = 5 hours
avg speed to go 220 km in that time = 220 km/ 5 hrs = 44 km/h

To find the average speed for the next 220 km, we can use the formula:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time

Let's calculate the total time for the first 200 km:

Total time for the first 200 km = Distance / Average speed
= 200 km / 50 km/hr
= 4 hours

Now, using the total time and the given total time of 9 hours, we can find the time left for the next 220 km:

Time left for the next 220 km = Total time - Total time for the first 200 km
= 9 hours - 4 hours
= 5 hours

Finally, we can find the average speed for the next 220 km:

Average speed = Distance / Time
= 220 km / 5 hours
= 44 km/hr

Therefore, the man must maintain an average speed of 44 km/hr for the next 220 km in order to cover the total distance in 9 hours.

To find the average speed for the next 220 km, we can first calculate the time it takes to cover the initial 200 km.

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 200 km / 50 km/hr = 4 hours

Now we need to determine how much time is left to cover the remaining distance.

Remaining time = Total time - Time taken for the initial distance

Remaining time = 9 hours - 4 hours = 5 hours

To find the average speed for the next 220 km, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 220 km / 5 hours = 44 km/hr

So, the man must maintain an average speed of 44 km/hr for the next 220 km in order to cover the total distance in 9 hours.