A man drives a car a distance of 200km at an average speed of 44km/h.What must be his average speed for the next 220km if he is to cover the total distance in 9 hours?

To find the required average speed for the next 220 km, we can start by determining the time taken to cover the first part of the distance.

Distance covered in the first part = 200 km
Average speed of the first part = 44 km/h

To calculate the time taken for the first part, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

So, for the first part:

Time taken for the first 200 km = 200 km / 44 km/h

Now, let's find out the remaining time available after covering the first part of the distance. We know that the total time available is 9 hours. Therefore, the remaining time is:

Remaining time = Total time available - Time taken for the first part

Remaining time = 9 hours - (200 km / 44 km/h)

Now, we can calculate the average speed needed for the next 220 km based on the remaining time:

Average speed for the next 220 km = 220 km / Remaining time

Substituting the values:

Average speed for the next 220 km = 220 km / (9 hours - [200 km / 44 km/h])

Simplifying the expression:

Average speed for the next 220 km = 220 km / (9 hours - 4.55 hours)

Average speed for the next 220 km = 220 km / 4.45 hours

Calculating the value:

Average speed for the next 220 km ≈ 49.44 km/h

Therefore, the man must maintain an average speed of approximately 49.44 km/h for the next 220 km in order to cover the total distance of 420 km in 9 hours.