IF 6 tablespoons are equivalent to 1 fluid ounce, how many fluid ounces are in (10t - 4) tablespoons?

if 6 tbs = 1 ounce

1 tbs = 1/6 ounces

then (10t - 4) tbs = (1/6)(10t-4) ounces
= (5/3)t - 2/3 ounces

Good reason for the US to go metric

To find the number of fluid ounces in (10t - 4) tablespoons, we need to use the conversion rate given: 6 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce.

First, let's simplify the expression (10t - 4) tablespoons.

We can distribute the multiplication by multiplying 10t by 6 and -4 by 6:

= 10t * 6 - 4 * 6
= 60t - 24

Now that we have the simplified expression, we can substitute it into our conversion rate.

Number of fluid ounces = (60t - 24) tablespoons ÷ 6 tablespoons/ounce

Now, we can simplify further:

Number of fluid ounces = (60t - 24) ÷ 6
Number of fluid ounces = 10t - 4

Therefore, (10t - 4) tablespoons is equivalent to (10t - 4) fluid ounces.

of course, 6 tbsp is not one fl.oz.

6 teaspoons = 2 tablespoons = 1 fl oz.