One fluid ounce is equivalent to 0.0078125 US liquid gallon. How do you write 0.0078125 in scientific notation?


0.0078125 in scientific notation is 7.8125 x 10^(-3)

To write 0.0078125 in scientific notation, you can move the decimal point to the right until you have a number between 1 and 10. The number of places you move the decimal point will be the exponent of 10.

0.0078125 can be written as 7.8125 × 10^(-3) in scientific notation.

To write 0.0078125 in scientific notation, you need to express it as a number between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of ten. Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Determine the coefficient: In this case, the coefficient is 7.8125 because we ignore the leading zeros.

Step 2: Count the number of decimal places you moved from the original number to the coefficient. In this case, you moved the decimal point 3 places to the right, so the exponent will be -3.

Step 3: Write the scientific notation: The coefficient is 7.8125 and the exponent is -3. Therefore, 0.0078125 in scientific notation is written as 7.8125 x 10^(-3).