Answer the next two questions for a wheel with a diameter = 16 inches.

Calculate the circumference of this wheel. Note this information on paper as
well. **Tips: C=1*d OR C=2*l*r. Round to the tenths. *

pretty sure its 50.3

will come back if i get it wrong <3

does anyone know the answer? or the answers to the google doc? i don’t understand it

I got the first part of this pretty easily but does anyone have the answer or steps to solve the 2nd part of this question? I don't understand it at all and I feel so stupid I really need to get this done though

To calculate the circumference of a wheel, you can use the formula: C = πd or C = 2πr, where C represents the circumference, d represents the diameter, and r represents the radius of the wheel.

Given that the diameter of the wheel is 16 inches, we can now calculate its circumference.

1. Using C = πd:
C = π * 16
C ≈ 3.14 * 16
C ≈ 50.24 inches (rounded to the nearest tenth)

2. Using C = 2πr:
First, we need to find the radius (r). The formula to find the radius is r = d/2.
r = 16/2
r = 8 inches

Now, we can substitute the value of the radius into the formula:
C = 2π * 8
C ≈ 2 * 3.14 * 8
C ≈ 50.24 inches (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Therefore, the circumference of the wheel is approximately 50.24 inches in both calculations.

geez - they even gave you the formula -- so,

C = πd = 16π