Solve with formular . a man pushes a drum of oil 10kg up an incline,OA.if OA is 5m and AB is 3m.What is the potential energy?

Solve it?

then AB = 4m, making

PE = mgh = 10 * 9.81 * 4 = ______

and that is some steep ramp!
and a very tiny drum ...

M=10kg h=3m g=10m/s

Potential Energy =mgh=10x10x3=300Joules.

To find the potential energy, we can use the formula:

Potential Energy = Mass × Gravity × Height

In this case:
- Mass = 10 kg (mass of the drum of oil)
- Gravity = 9.8 m/s^2 (acceleration due to gravity)
- Height = AB = 3 m (vertical height through which the drum is lifted)

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

Potential Energy = 10 kg × 9.8 m/s^2 × 3 m

Now, we can calculate the potential energy:

Potential Energy = 294 Joules

Therefore, the potential energy of the drum of oil is 294 Joules.