Which of the following correctly states the relationship between structures with multicellular organisms?

(a) Tissues are made of one type of cell.
(b) Organs are made of one type of cell.
(c) Cells are made of organs.
(d) Systems are made of one type of organ

The correct answer is (a) Tissues are made of one type of cell.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options and assess them one by one:

(a) Tissues are made of one type of cell: This statement is correct. Tissues are groups of cells that work together to perform a specific function in the body. Examples of tissues include muscle tissue, nerve tissue, and connective tissue. Each tissue type consists of cells that are specialized for their specific role.

(b) Organs are made of one type of cell: This statement is incorrect. Organs are more complex structures composed of multiple tissues. For example, the heart is an organ made up of different tissues such as muscle tissue, connective tissue, and nerve tissue.

(c) Cells are made of organs: This statement is incorrect. Organs are not made up of cells; rather, organs are made up of different types of tissues working together.

(d) Systems are made of one type of organ: This statement is incorrect. Systems, such as the digestive system or respiratory system, are composed of multiple organs working together to perform a specific function.

In summary, the correct relationship between structures in multicellular organisms is that tissues are made of one type of cell.