Use this list below to match each organism to its description:

Animals, fungi, algae, bacteria, protists, plants

The organisms which belong to this kingdom are mostly unicellular

-These organisms are multicellular and contain chlorophyll

-These organisms are plant like but do not contain chlorophyll

-These organisms are very small and have a very simple structure

-The organisms in this kingdom are multicellular and eat other organisms for food

-These organisms contain chlorophyll, but do not have the structures common to plants







are they in order ?

Yes, the order is:

- Protists
- Plants
- Algae
- Bacteria
- Animals
- Fungi

ok tysm!

You're welcome! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

To match each organism to its description, we can go through each description and the characteristics mentioned in it.

1. The organisms which belong to this kingdom are mostly unicellular: This description matches with the kingdom "Protists". Protists are mostly unicellular organisms and include various microscopic organisms like amoeba, paramecium, and euglena.

2. These organisms are multicellular and contain chlorophyll: This description matches with the kingdom "Plants". Plants are multicellular organisms that contain chlorophyll, which allows them to carry out photosynthesis.

3. These organisms are plant-like but do not contain chlorophyll: This description matches with the kingdom "Fungi". Fungi are non-photosynthetic organisms that are often described as plant-like but do not contain chlorophyll. Examples of fungi include mushrooms, yeasts, and mold.

4. These organisms are very small and have a very simple structure: This description matches with the kingdom "Bacteria". Bacteria are microscopic organisms with a simple cellular structure. They are single-celled and highly diverse, with various shapes and forms.

5. The organisms in this kingdom are multicellular and eat other organisms for food: This description matches with the kingdom "Animals". Animals are multicellular organisms that obtain their energy by consuming other organisms. They have complex cellular structures and exhibit a wide range of behaviors and characteristics.

6. These organisms contain chlorophyll but do not have the structures common to plants: This description matches with the kingdom "Algae". Algae are photosynthetic organisms that contain chlorophyll. But unlike plants, they do not have true roots, stems, or leaves. They can be unicellular or multicellular and are often found in aquatic environments.

In summary:
- Mostly unicellular organisms: Protists
- Multicellular organisms containing chlorophyll: Plants
- Plant-like organisms without chlorophyll: Fungi
- Very small organisms with a simple structure: Bacteria
- Multicellular organisms that eat other organisms: Animals
- Organisms containing chlorophyll but lacking the structures common to plants: Algae