A $250 Suede Jacket is on sale for 20% off. How much should you pay for the jacket after the


you have to subtract 100-20 and u get 80% then do the rest

To calculate the amount you should pay for the jacket after the discount, you need to subtract the discount from the original price.

First, convert the percentage discount to a decimal by dividing it by 100:
20% / 100 = 0.20

Next, calculate the discount amount by multiplying the original price by the decimal discount:
$250 * 0.20 = $50

Finally, subtract the discount amount from the original price to get the final price:
$250 - $50 = $200

Therefore, you should pay $200 for the jacket after the 20% discount.

well, the discount is 0.20 * $250 = $50

so ...