2. what is the main difference between a pure democracy and a republic?

A) in a republic,people vote directly on laws, but in a democracy, people elect represenitives who make laws.
B) in a democracy, people vote directly on laws, but in a republic, people elect representitives who make laws.
C) in a republic, people have no representasion,but in a democracy, people have represenitives who act for them.

3. which is an example of a democratic republic?
A) iran
B) saudi arabia
C) united staes

sorry i didnt finish typing

2. what is the main difference between a pure democracy and a republic?
A) in a republic,people vote directly on laws, but in a democracy, people elect represenitives who make laws.******
B) in a democracy, people vote directly on laws, but in a republic, people elect representitives who make laws.
C) in a republic, people have no representasion,but in a democracy, people have represenitives who act for them.

3. which is an example of a democratic republic?
A) iran
B) saudi arabia**
C) united staes

2. what is the main difference between a pure democracy and a republic?

B) in a democracy, people vote directly on laws, but in a republic, people elect representitives who make laws.
IT IS B (See Athenian Democracy)

3. USA

so far.....

To answer question 2, the main difference between a pure democracy and a republic is the way in which laws are made. In a pure or direct democracy (option B), people have the power to directly vote on laws and make decisions. This means that every citizen is directly involved in the legislative process. On the other hand, in a republic (option A), people do not vote directly on laws. Instead, they elect representatives who make laws on their behalf. The representatives act as the voice of the people and are responsible for making legislative decisions.

For question 3, an example of a democratic republic is the United States (option C). In a democratic republic, the citizens elect their representatives who make decisions on their behalf. The United States follows this system, where citizens vote for their President and members of Congress to represent their interests and make laws.