Abby paid $99 for a board game and a scooter. The scooter cost 10 times as much as the board game. What is the price difference between the two items?

To find the price difference between the board game and the scooter, we first need to determine the cost of each item.

Let's represent the cost of the board game as "x."

According to the problem, the scooter costs 10 times as much as the board game. So we can express the cost of the scooter as 10x.

We know that Abby paid $99 in total, so we can set up an equation:

x + 10x = $99

Combining like terms, we get:

11x = $99

To find the value of "x," we can divide both sides of the equation by 11:

x = $99 / 11

Simplifying, we find:

x = $9

Now that we know the cost of the board game is $9, we can find the cost of the scooter by multiplying 10 with the cost of the board game:

10x = 10 * $9 = $90

Therefore, the price difference between the two items is the difference between the cost of the scooter and the board game:

$90 - $9 = $81

So, the price difference between the board game and the scooter is $81.