Which sentence in this excerpt from James Joyce's "Araby" indicates that the bazaar is a place devoted to avarice, or greed?

I could not find any sixpenny entrance and, fearing that the bazaar would be closed, I passed in quickly through a turnstile, handing a shilling to a weary-looking man. I found myself in a big hall girded at half its height by a gallery. Nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness. I recognized a silence like that which pervades a church after a service. I walked into the centre of the bazaar timidly. A few people were gathered about the stalls which were still open. Before a curtain, over which the words Café Chantant were written in coloured lamps, two men were counting money on a salver. I listened to the fall of the coins.

I don't see any clear indication of avarice or greed, but the closest is the "men counting the money".

The sentence that indicates that the bazaar is a place devoted to avarice, or greed, is: "Before a curtain, over which the words Café Chantant were written in coloured lamps, two men were counting money on a salver."

The sentence that indicates that the bazaar is a place devoted to avarice, or greed, is "Before a curtain, over which the words Café Chantant were written in coloured lamps, two men were counting money on a salver."