Imagine you investigated the works of Igor Stravinsky, James Joyce, and Luigi Pirandello Which of the following post-World War I values and developments were reflected in their work? (1 point)





B. modernism

B. modernism

Both Igor Stravinsky, James Joyce, and Luigi Pirandello were significant figures in the modernist movement, which emerged in the early 20th century after World War I. Modernism was characterized by a departure from traditional forms and conventions and the exploration of new artistic techniques and ideas. It sought to break away from established norms and challenge traditional structures in art, literature, and music. Therefore, the works of Stravinsky, Joyce, and Pirandello reflected the values and developments of modernism.

To determine which post-World War I values and developments were reflected in the work of these artists, we will need to examine their artistic style and the themes they portrayed in their works. Here's a breakdown of each artist's contributions:

1. Igor Stravinsky: As a composer, Stravinsky is known for his innovative and groundbreaking approach to music. He challenged existing musical conventions and broke free from traditional forms. His most famous works, such as "The Rite of Spring," showcased dissonance, complex rhythms, and unconventional harmonies. These characteristics align with the principles of modernism, making option B (modernism) a likely choice.

2. James Joyce: Joyce, an influential Irish writer, is considered one of the pioneering figures of literary modernism. In his novel "Ulysses," Joyce employed experimental narrative techniques, stream-of-consciousness writing, and a fragmented structure. This creative departure from traditional storytelling reflects the values of modernism, further supporting option B.

3. Luigi Pirandello: Pirandello, an Italian playwright, delved into themes of existentialism, reality, and the complexities of human nature. His work often explored the blurring of boundaries between illusion and reality, challenging traditional ideas of truth. While Pirandello's works may have some elements that align with surrealism (option C), the primary movement reflected is modernism (option B).

Based on the above analysis, the post-World War I value and development that can be observed in the work of Igor Stravinsky, James Joyce, and Luigi Pirandello is modernism (option B).