Name and explain two laws legislation that protect citizens against gender based violence in our country

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However, I will give you a start.

The Special Law on Gender Based Violence (Law 84/VII/11) defines violence against women as a symptom of unequal power relations and a mechanism to control women. The primary focus of the GBV Law is to regulate the measures needed to effectively achieve the principle of gender equality, to repress and make perpetrators accountable, and guarantee support to victims.

I want help

Name and explain laws/legislation that protect citizens

Domestic violence act :The Act seeks to proctect women from domestic violence by creating obligation on law

Please help me

In order to identify two laws or legislations that protect citizens against gender-based violence in a specific country, it would be helpful to know the country in question. However, I can provide you with a general explanation of laws that are commonly enacted to tackle gender-based violence.

1. Domestic Violence Laws: Many countries have specific legislation to address domestic violence, which includes gender-based violence. These laws aim to protect individuals from violence within their own homes or intimate relationships. They often provide legal remedies and protection orders for victims, as well as establish penalties for perpetrators.

To find the specific domestic violence laws in your country, you can follow these steps:
- Start by searching for your country's official government website.
- Look for sections related to legislation, justice, or human rights.
- Search through relevant government departments or ministries responsible for issues like women's rights, gender equality, or domestic violence.
- Within those sections, search for specific laws or acts related to domestic violence or gender-based violence.

2. Sexual Harassment Laws: Many countries have enacted laws to address and prevent sexual harassment, which is a form of gender-based violence. These laws aim to protect individuals from unwelcome or offensive sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

To find the specific laws against sexual harassment in your country, you can follow these steps:
- Consult your country's official government website.
- Look for sections related to legislation, human rights, or gender equality.
- Search for laws or acts specifically related to sexual harassment or workplace harassment.
- If necessary, contact your country's Ministry of Labor or a government agency responsible for human rights or women's rights for further information.

It's important to note that the specific laws and their names will vary from country to country. Therefore, accessing your country's official government website or seeking information from relevant government departments or ministries will provide accurate and up-to-date legislation on gender-based violence.
