balance the following chemical reaction:

fe(s) + o3(g) = fe2o3(s) + co2(g)

i meant: fe(s) + o3(g) = fe2o3(s) + o2(g)

also i thought it would be: 2fe + 2o3 = fe2o3 + o2
but that leaves an extra oxygen.

actually i think i figured it out =

2fe + 4o3 = fe2o3 + 3o2

is that correct?

Your equation is not balanced, since you have an even number of O on the left, and an odd number on the right. Also, you need to use proper capitalization, such as Fe, CO2, O2

Also, you have CO2 on the right, but no C on the left.
I suspect you have garbled things.

I agree with oobleck that something is garbled.

Frankly, I doubt that oxygen is produced although it might be possible. Reacting with O3 should oxidize Fe as is to Fe2O3 and this equation would do it. 2Fe(s) + O3(g) ==> Fe2O3(s). There is no need for O2 to be produced. If that were the case you would form Fe2O3 and any EXCESS O3 would be a second equation of 2O3(g) ==> 3O2(g).You CAN balance the other one though this way.
2Fe + 3O3 ==> Fe2O3 + 3O2.

Fe + O2 → Fe2O3 is the unbalanced form of chemical reaction.

Balancing the simple molecules first, in this case the O2

Fe + 3O2→ Fe2O3 there are now 6 O atoms on the left, there must also be 6 O atoms on the right.

Fe + 3O2 → 2Fe2O3

Balance the rest of the equation.

4Fe + 3O2→ 2Fe2O3

To balance the given chemical equation:

Fe(s) + O3(g) → Fe2O3(s) + CO2(g)

We will start by balancing the atoms one by one:

- Balancing Iron (Fe):
There is one Fe atom on the left side and two Fe atoms on the right side. To balance this, we need to put a coefficient of 2 in front of Fe on the left side:

2Fe(s) + O3(g) → Fe2O3(s) + CO2(g)

- Balancing Oxygen (O):
On the reactant side, there are three oxygen atoms from O3 and no oxygen atoms on the product side. We can balance the oxygen atoms by adding a coefficient of 3 in front of CO2:

2Fe(s) + O3(g) → Fe2O3(s) + 3CO2(g)

- Balancing Carbon (C):
Since CO2 has one carbon atom, we already have the same number of carbon atoms on both sides, so we don't need to balance it further.

Now, let's check if the equation is balanced:

Iron (Fe) atoms are balanced: 2Fe on the left and 2Fe on the right.
Oxygen (O) atoms are balanced: 3O on the left (from O3) and 3O on the right (from 3CO2).
Carbon (C) atoms are balanced: 1C on the right (from CO2).

The balanced chemical equation is:
2Fe(s) + O3(g) → Fe2O3(s) + 3CO2(g)

Please note that it's important to verify the coefficients and ensure that the equation is balanced.