Who benefited the most from oligarchies that governed many ancient Greek city-states?

A wealthy people
B tyrants
C citizens
D small farmers

Hello again! A is correct!

I think either A or B not rlly sure

thanks sooooooooo much for your help!! :D

To determine who benefited the most from oligarchies that governed many ancient Greek city-states, we need to understand what an oligarchy is and how it functioned in ancient Greece.

An oligarchy is a form of government where a small group of individuals, usually from the wealthy elite, hold power and make decisions on behalf of the state. In ancient Greece, this group of individuals consisted of aristocrats, often owning large land estates. They used their wealth and influence to maintain their positions of power.

Now, to answer the question, "Who benefited the most from oligarchies that governed many ancient Greek city-states?" the likely answer is A) wealthy people. This is because the oligarchs themselves were from the wealthy elite, so they designed the system of government in a way that protected and enhanced their own interests. They were able to maintain their wealth and influence, allowing them to accumulate even more wealth and wield significant power over the city-state.

B) Tyrants did not benefit the most from oligarchies, as they were often those who overthrew oligarchic rule to establish their own autocratic regimes.

C) Citizens, referring to the general population, did not receive as many advantages from oligarchic governments as the wealthy elites did. Oligarchs tended to focus on maintaining their own power and wealth, often neglecting the needs and interests of the common people.

D) Small farmers, who comprised a significant portion of the population in ancient Greece, generally did not benefit from oligarchies. Oligarchs tended to favor the wealthy landowners, who often had large estates and controlled the majority of resources. Small farmers, on the other hand, had limited access to resources and struggled to improve their economic situation under oligarchic rule.

In summary, oligarchies in ancient Greece primarily benefited the wealthy people, allowing them to maintain and grow their wealth and influence while often leaving the majority of the population with fewer benefits and opportunities.