The weights of four puppies are shown in pounds . Which list shows these weights in Order from greatest to least

1. The chonkiest pupper

2. The well-fed furball
3. The slightly chunky nugget
4. The tiny munchkin

To determine the order of the weights from greatest to least, you'll need to compare the weights of the four puppies. Without knowing the actual values or having any data, I cannot provide you with a specific answer. However, I can guide you on how to solve this:

1. Look at the weights of the puppies.
2. Identify the puppy with the greatest weight.
3. Compare the weights of the remaining puppies to the greatest weight and determine the next heaviest weight.
4. Continue this process until you have arranged all four weights in order from greatest to least.

Without additional information about the weights, it is not possible to provide a specific answer. Please provide the weights of the puppies so that I can assist you further.

The list is

8 1/8
8 1/2

On the 8.625 I meant to put ,

We need the list