Nathan is keeping track of the number of grams of fat he eats. He wants to get in shape to run the 220-yard dash. On Tuesday he ate 8 grams of fat at breakfast, 14 grams of fat at lunch, and 9 grams of fat at dinner. How many milligrams of fat did he eat?

To calculate the total number of milligrams (mg) of fat Nathan ate on Tuesday, we need to convert the grams (g) of fat to milligrams.

1 gram (g) is equal to 1000 milligrams (mg).

So, let's calculate the total number of milligrams (mg) of fat Nathan ate on Tuesday:

Breakfast: 8 grams of fat = 8 * 1000 = 8000 milligrams (mg) of fat
Lunch: 14 grams of fat = 14 * 1000 = 14000 milligrams (mg) of fat
Dinner: 9 grams of fat = 9 * 1000 = 9000 milligrams (mg) of fat

To find the total, we simply add up the amounts from each meal:

8000 mg + 14000 mg + 9000 mg = 31000 mg

Therefore, Nathan ate a total of 31000 milligrams (mg) of fat on Tuesday.