What is the logtitude of town x whom time is 12noon when greenwish mean time is 6pm

To determine the longitude of town X when the time is 12 noon while Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is 6 pm, we need to calculate the time difference between the two locations and convert that into a longitudinal value.

Step 1: Calculate the time difference between town X and GMT
To calculate the time difference, subtract the GMT time from the local time (12 noon).
12 noon - 6 pm = -6 hours

Step 2: Convert the time difference into longitudinal value
1 hour of time difference corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude. Therefore, we can calculate the longitudinal value by multiplying the time difference by 15 degrees.
-6 hours * 15 degrees/hour = -90 degrees

The calculated result, -90 degrees, represents the longitude of town X. Keep in mind that a negative value indicates that town X is located to the west of the Greenwich Meridian (0 degrees longitude).