Myths often address a duality. Which is the

A. youth and beauty
B. strength and weakness
C. fruits and vegetables
D. Law and order

Its b

The answer is b

The answer is b

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the given options and analyze them.

A. Youth and beauty: While youth and beauty can be important themes in myths, they do not represent a duality. They are both positive attributes that are often associated with the same subject.

B. Strength and weakness: Strength and weakness can indeed represent a duality. Many myths revolve around characters who possess extraordinary strength or prowess but also have vulnerable aspects or flaws.

C. Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are not typically associated with duality in myths. They are more commonly seen as part of natural abundance or sustenance.

D. Law and order: Law and order are concepts that often have a dual nature in mythology. Many mythological stories involve conflict between chaos and order, where maintaining law and order is crucial for the harmony and stability of the world.

Based on the above analysis, the most appropriate answer is:

B. Strength and weakness