Which of the following is Not an element of Rococo art or Architecture?

1. playfulness

Just finished the quick check the correct answer is really B. simplicity 🤷‍♀️

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I use connex to

To determine which of the following is not an element of Rococo art or architecture, we need to first understand what Rococo style represents.

Rococo is a highly ornate and decorative artistic movement that emerged in the early 18th century in France. It is known for its extravagant and delicate designs, characterized by curvilinear forms, asymmetry, pastel colors, and lavish ornamentation. Rococo often drew inspiration from nature, with motifs of flowers, shells, and foliage commonly used.

Let's examine the options given:

1. Playfulness: Playfulness is indeed a prominent element of Rococo art and architecture. Rococo style is often associated with lightheartedness, wit, and a sense of whimsy.

2. Simplicity: Simplicity is not typically associated with Rococo art or architecture. On the contrary, Rococo is known for its excessive and intricate ornamentation, emphasizing opulence and luxury.

3. Asymmetry: Asymmetry is a significant characteristic of Rococo art and architecture. Rococo designs often feature asymmetrical arrangements of decorative elements, creating a sense of movement and dynamism.

4. Nature: Nature plays a vital role in Rococo art and architecture. Rococo artists frequently incorporated natural motifs such as flowers, leaves, shells, and vines in their designs, symbolizing the beauty and harmony of the natural world.

Based on the above analysis, the element that is not associated with Rococo art or architecture is option 2: simplicity.

I believe its A. playfulness