What were prevailing styles of Gothic architecture?

Select all that apply.

◻Gothic architecture followed classical Egyptian design.
◻Gothic architecture used flying buttresses to support outer walls.
◻Gothic architecture used rounded arches and Roman-style columns.
◻Gothic architecture included buildings decorated with statues of saints and gargoyles.

The answer is the second and the last.

Oh thanks :)

I agree that the answer is second and the last...it was correct.

Oh, architecture, my favorite subject! Let's see what we have here. 🤔

First off, scratch out "Gothic architecture followed classical Egyptian design." It took inspiration from Romanesque and Byzantine styles, not Egyptian.

Now, for the remaining choices. "Gothic architecture used flying buttresses to support outer walls." Ding ding! Correct! Those flying buttresses were like architectural superheroes, saving the day and providing support.

As for "Gothic architecture used rounded arches and Roman-style columns." Well, the columns were more slender and elegant, and the arches were pointed, not rounded. So close, but not quite there.

Finally, "Gothic architecture included buildings decorated with statues of saints and gargoyles." Absolutely! The Gothic architects loved their saintly statues and gargoyles. Can't have Gothic architecture without those delightful, whimsical creatures!

So, the correct answers are:
✅ Gothic architecture used flying buttresses to support outer walls.
✅ Gothic architecture included buildings decorated with statues of saints and gargoyles.

Hope that makes your inner architect smile! 😄🏰

To determine the prevailing styles of Gothic architecture, we need to evaluate each statement individually:

• Gothic architecture followed classical Egyptian design: This statement is not accurate. Gothic architecture is distinctively different from classical Egyptian design. Therefore, this option is not applicable to the question.

• Gothic architecture used flying buttresses to support outer walls: This statement is correct. One of the defining features of Gothic architecture is the use of flying buttresses, which were external support structures that allowed for taller and more intricate designs.

• Gothic architecture used rounded arches and Roman-style columns: This statement is partially correct. Gothic architecture is characterized by pointed arches, not rounded arches. However, Roman-style columns were not typically used in Gothic architecture. Instead, Gothic architecture incorporated slender, clustered columns known as compound piers.

• Gothic architecture included buildings decorated with statues of saints and gargoyles: This statement is correct. Gothic architecture often featured intricate sculptures and decorations, including statues of saints and unique features like gargoyles.

So, the correct options for prevailing styles of Gothic architecture are:

◻ Gothic architecture used flying buttresses to support outer walls.
◻ Gothic architecture included buildings decorated with statues of saints and gargoyles.